Dear Madalyn,
It's 2005 -- do you know where the planets are?
Download our handy and useful Planetary
Highlights of
2005 to have all the important planetary
phenomena for optimal forecasting in the coming
year at your fingertips. We're also happy to
announce the availability of Valliere's Natural
Almanac, available exclusively from
Astrolabe. And, finally, Gary Christen's
Planetary Pictures 101 returns next issue. All
of us at Astrolabe -- Gary,
Pat, Madalyn, Ray, Carolyn, Cindy and Debbie --
send our best wishes to you for a happy and
healthy 2005.
We welcome your feedback. Let us know what you'd
like to see in our monthly issues of AUGuries.
And, if you have an article or item to
contribute, please do send it along to
Planetary Highlights of 2005 by Pat White |
To speed your predictive work in 2005, we've cut
our way through the jungle of aspects and other
planetary events in order to cull out what we
think are the most important and interesting
phenomena of the year.
Besides dates, times and degrees of the obvious
ingresses, aspects, stations, eclipses and Moon
phases, we include often-overlooked
and-hard-to-find information. If you want to
know about not only the essential basics, but
also things like:
· big planetary clusters
· extremes of declination
· maximum elongations
· the most important New and Full Moons
· when planets enter and exit their retrograde
· stations and aspects of the outer-planet midpoints
· when there are no planets in a given element
or mode, and
· the current ongoing Neptune-Pluto septile,
then read on...
Full story »
January 05 Tech Tip - Working with Centaurs in Solar Fire by Brian Lee |
Our tech tip for this issue is submitted by a
Solar Fire user from the UK, Brian Lee. Our
thanks to Brian Lee of the United Kingdom for
writing this most helpful explanation of how to
work with the Centaurs in Solar Fire v5 and for
the link to centaur glyphs and to Melanie
Reinhart for her inspiration!
Read more »
News from Astrolabe |
As part of our year-long 25th Anniversary
celebration, Astrolabe will offer a 25% discount
on all software
purchases at the Astrolabe booth at astro
conference trade shows and at lectures offered
by Astrolabe staff
members throughout the year. Visit our Astrolabe
events link at our website
( or see our
Astrolabe on the Road feature (below) in Auguries.
March 5-7, 2005 - Gary Christen and Madalyn
Hillis-Dineen are lecturing at the Northern NJ
Astrology Conference at the Beaver Brook Country
Club in Clinton, NJ. Be sure to visit the Astrolabe
booth in the conference trade show. All
Astrolabe Software will be offered at a 25%
discount instead of our usual 20% conference
discount. Visit for more
March 8, 2005 - Madalyn Hillis-Dineen will be
presenting an overview of the Uranian system
(Symmetrical Astrology) at Shelley Ackerman's
Creative Astrology Series at the NY Theosophical
Society next to the Quest Bookshop, 240 East
53rd St.
(between 2nd & 3rd Ave), NYC. Come and receive a
25% discount on your software purchases. Lecture
fee: $20. For more details, contact
May 21, 2005 - Gary Christen will give a
workshop on Astrology of Relationships for the
Astrological Society of Princeton in Princeton,
NJ. For more information contact Ken Negus at or phone 609/924-4311.
August 17-21, 2005 - Gary Christen will be
lecturing at the ISAR conference in
Bloomingdale, Illinois and Astrolabe will have a
booth in the trade show. Visit us there for your
25% discount on software purchases. For more
details, visit
Gary Christen's Annual Solstice Lecture is FREE
and available at our website. Use the link from
our main page or use this url to enter the
Astrolabe Library:
Congratualations to Madalyn Hillis-Dineen who is
the new Chair of the National Council for
Geocosmic Research. NCGR's mission is to build
community through astrological research and
education. Visit their website at
Valliere's Natural Cycles Almanac Is Here! |
2005 Valliere's Almanac Shows When Planets Are
Strongest at Your Locality
An indispensable yearly sourcebook, Valliere's
Natural Cycles Almanac gives you vital planetary
information that you won't find in an ephemeris.
Detailed monthly graphs of planetary risings,
settings, high and low points show when the
planets will be most active at your spot on
earth during 2005. The graphs are shaded to show
you the all-round best times for taking action.
Full instructions make them easy for even
non-astrologers to understand. The graphs come
in a handy size, and you can copy them for
personal use.
Full article »
Happy Anniversary Astrolabe! |
It's our 25th year
in business and we'll be celebrating all year long
with various specials that mean great savings
for our customers. Thanks to all of
you for your support through the
During January and February, save $25 on your
purchase of Solar Fire 5.1. Solar Fire has been
highly acclaimed by reviewers and users alike
since it was first released in 1992. It does all
sorts of charts -- natal, progressed, returns,
harmonic, composite and more. And, version 5.1
has a complete ACS Atlas with time change,
latitude and longitude info for over 250,000
places in the world built right in to the program.
When it comes to chart services, our reports are
among the best-selling anywhere. Find out what
2005 has in store for you and save $25 on your
order of Professional Forecaster: Daily Planning
Guide (6 months) via email only. You pay only
$35 -- the regular price of our 3 month guide.
It's like getting 3 months free!
To claim your discount for Solar Fire 5, enter
the discount code CYCS in our
online shopping cart.
To claim your discount for Professional
Forecaster: Daily Planning Guide for 6 months
via email, enter the discount code CYCR in our
online shopping cart.
Sale ends 2/28/05.
Find out more....